Friday, July 17, 2009


Wednesday March 15, 2006 - 11:04pm
Today ...
a dog crossing the street on the zebra crossing, with a big butter box closed , in its mouth ..:))
I hate the road in the students camp , if you walk on foot in summer time, cars elevate all the dust in the air, you can feel it in your eyes, in your lungs, suffocating , entering in your hair, and on rainy weather , like today , you can get muddy from head down to your feet. At maxi taxi, a dirty gipsy child shouting: "AT Copou!" and after asking the driver" MR. , will you give me a penny? " And the answer: "No" and the story repeats several times until the car leaves. I can still hear him with his fin voice shouting : " La Copou!"
And it's snowing, it's snowing..
un caine traversand strada pe trecerea de pietoni, cu o cutie mare de margarina inchisa cu capac, in gura :)) ;..
Prin Tudor..urasc drumul printre camine..daca mergi pe jos, vara masinile ridica praful de pe drum, il simti in ochi, pe plamani, te sufoca, te inabusa, ti se prinde in par..iar pe vreme de ploaie sau de zapada,ca astazi, te stropesc cu noroi din cap pana-n picioare.La maxi taxi, un pui de tigan, murdar tot striga :"La Copou!" Dupa ce urc il intreaba pe sofer: "Nene, acum imi dai si mie un ban?" Soferul: "Nu".El iar "La Copou!" Si povestea se mai repeta de 4 ori pana cand porneste masina.Parca il mai aud inca cum striga "La Copou!"cu vocea lui de atza.:)
Si ninge si tot ninge.........