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The end of the road
He tells me to visualize a path ,to imagine how my feet touch the ground ,the physical sensation and noise that occurs at the impact.. The walls have fallen , the space spanned ,and I can see a plain burned by the sun and the wind softly moving the dried herbs.The path is so narrow that I can barely step.. undulating like a snake. Images change with dizzying speed . Now I'm on the edge of the mountain Ceahlau, not alone, someone is fallowing me a few meters behind. I am now in the forest, tall tree trunks rise like columns to heaven .. and suddenly .. memory film breaks. I'm now surrounded by black rocks that are over my head and join and separate, and again unite ..bluish black rocks. The sky is full of threatening clouds and there is a silence like in a tomb ..I'm getting out of the dome of rocks and there's the end of the road. In front of me there is a gap and dawn at my feet the world lies green, beautiful , endless. The sun shines gentle, reddish , in a sunset . I feel dissipating and merging with the universe. I have no words ..And all this in just a few seconds .. like in a dream .OM
Imi spune sa vizualizez o carare, sa-mi imaginez cum talpile mele ating pamantul, senzatia fizica si zgomotul care se produce la impact.. .. Zidurile au cazut, spatiul s-a intins, vad o campie arsa de soare si vantul miscand usor ierburile uscate; cararea e atat de ingusta ca abia pot pasi unduitoare ca un corp de sarpe.Imaginile se schimba cu viteza ametitoare.Acum sunt pe marginea muntelui, pe Ceahlau, si nu sunt singura, cineva ma urmeaza la cativa metri; acum sunt in padure, trunchiurile inalte de brad se inalta ca niste coloane la cer brusc.. filmul amintirii se rupe.. sunt acum inconjurata de stanci negre care se unesc deasupra capului meu si iar se despart,si iar se unesc.. roci negre cu reflexe albastrui.. cerul e plin de nori amenintatori si e o liniste ca de mormant..Inaintez singura , ies de sub acea cupola de stanci, si ma aflu la sfarsitul drumului.. in fata-mi se deschide prapastia iar acolo jos , la picioarele mele se intinde lumea intreaga, verde , minunata si fara sfarsit.Razele soarelui stralucesc blande, rosietice, intr-un apus.Am senzatia de disipare si contopire cu universul.Nu am cuvinte..
Si toate astea doar in cateva secunde.. ca intr-un vis.