Everything around me is about to melt and disappear in a shapeless mass.
The sidewalk is poured pitch, my feet burns and steps are crawling searching for the protection of the shadow at the edge of the road. The air appears to be dancing in the distance like in a dizzying game of wicked fairies. My blood boils. I'm recharging my batteries with the energy of the sun cz I can't stay still , if I would do that maybe I would evaporate. For the thirst that I have right now even a lake wouldn't be enough to satisfy it. I climb Rapa Galbena and when I'm about to cross the street I see behind a pillar a man around 40 with the belly generously pouring over his trousers belt. He takes a photo of me. He sees that I noticed him , I pick up the sun glasses and stare at him , as a sign that I know about it. He runs away.Strange.. I'm telling myself, I look back, no one on the street, no people, no cars, no buildings or beautiful views that could have arisen his interest.
My steps take me to the first park in my way. I sit under the shadow of a chestnut tree, analyzing the chances to wake up with one of those spiky fruits in my head and preparing my self to enter in the universe of Chuck Palahniuk that I just bought in an antique book store.hmm.. a little out of reality.. I don't judge, cz ' A critic is a lame that teaches others how to run." and with what right I could judge it? It's simple, I like it.. or not! nothing more.Usually if a book doesn't stick on to me from the beginning , I can't finish it. But now is different.I will use my stubbornness in order to take this to an end.I will discover its meanings or maybe not ~ but at least I will be more closer to the world in which he stepped in, and maybe understand him. Maybe the images will appear different in my mind , cz everybody creates his own world inside.
I can't stay much longer in the same place.There's too many things too see and do, and the time is only one.
So I must go farther, leaving you behind..
Totul in jurul meu e pe cale sa se topeasca si sa dispara intr-o masa amorfa.Trotuarul e ca smoala proaspat turnata, talpile imi ard iar pasii mei se tarasc cautand umbra pe la marginea drumului.Aerul se vede dansand in zare ca intr-un joc al ielelor ametitor.Sangele imi clocoteste.Imi incarc bateriile cu energia solara caci nu pot sta pe loc, imi pare ca daca as sta m-as evapora.Setea ce-o am chiar acum imi pare ca nu s-ar satura cu un lac intreg.Urc Rapa Galbena si cand sunt pe cale sa traversez, vad dupa un stalp un barbat cam la 40 de ani, cu burta revarsandu-se generoasa peste centura pantalonilor negri. Ma fotografiaza.Vede ca l-am observat, imi ridic ochelarii de soare si il tintesc cu privirea in semn ca l-am vazut.Fuge.Ciudat.. imi spun.. ma uit inapoi.Sunt singura pe strada.Nu oameni, nu masini.Nu cladiri sau peisaje care sa-i fi starnit interesul.Picioarele ma poarta catre un parc, primul din cale.Ma asez la umbra unui castan, analizand sansele sa ma trezesc cu vreun fruct de-al lui tepos in crestetul capului.. Ma pregatesc sa patrund in universul lui Chuck Palahniuk pe care tocmai l-am achizitionat ..multumita ca am gasit intr-un anticariat 2 carti de el la un pret derizoriu.Hmm.. un pic desprins de realitate...In alta situatie, daca o carte nu se lipeste de mine din start, are slabe sanse sa o insotesc pana la ultima pagina.Nu critic ;caci asa cum spune un proverb "un critic este un schiop care-i invata pe altii sa alerge" si cu ce drept l-as critica? Totul se rezuma firesc la un fapt simplu: imi place sau nu-mi place.. nimic mai mult.Dar acum e diferit. Ma voi servi de incapatanarea care-mi sta uneori in fire si il voi parcurge pana la final.Ii voi descoperi sensurile, sau poate nici macar atat .. in schimb voi fi un pic aproape de el, voi parcurge acelasi univers pe care el l-a parcurs.Poate imaginile se vor contura altfel in mintea mea, caci fiecare ne creem propriile lumi.Dar materia prima va fi aceeasi.Dar nu pot sta prea mult intr-un loc, la fel cum nu pot sta prea mult in inertie.Sunt prea multe lucruri de facut, si multe alegeri iar timpul e unul singur.