Tuesday February 20, 2007 - 11:44am
Human stupidity has no limits. Mix of envy, ignorance, jealousy, the resentment that you can't have what it can't possibly be yours, transforms in a monster that spreads its tentacles, ready for destruction. Always, what came out of the borders roused extreme acts. It's easier to judge than to understand, easier to criticize than tolerate. What is not like you or you don't know scares you , and fear (as a sign of weakness ) leads to violence when accumulates in the spirit of a pack. Human wickedness tries to destroy at any cost. ":Malena" stays behind all this as a proof of strength and love.
Prostia umana nu are limite.Amalgam de invidie,ignoranta, gelozie, ciuda ca ceea ce doresti nu poate fi al tau , se transforma intr-un monstru care-si intinde tentaculele pregatit sa distruga.Dintotdeauna ceea ce a iesit din tipare a starnit reactii extreme, e mai usor sa hulesti decat sa intelegi, e mai usor sa critici decat sa tolerezi.Ce nu seamana sau nu se cunoaste sperie, iar teama (semn de slabiciune) duce la violenta atunci cand se acumuleaza in spirit de haita.Rautatea umana nu numai ca e ignoranta si intoleranta, dar cauta sa distruga, sa anihileze prin orice modalitate."Malena" ramane dincolo de toate astea, o dovada a rezistentei si iubirii.