Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Se pare ca am facut legamant de tacere

~english translation~
When I was a kid, who has just learned to read, I discovered in my neighbor house an almanac and inside its pages , the story of the countess Elizabeth Bathory. fiction or truth?! That woman entered in the history for the cruelty and the crimes committed .. they say that she killed hundreds of virgins to bath in their blood, an elixir for beauty and youth. It described the way they were tortured and murdered. And every word , every image stoke into my memory so bad that I kept exactly how they were until now.They fascinated and terrified me in the same time. And after all this time, today I saw a movie made after this 'legend' (because it can never know from where starts the truth and where the fiction) , a movie that presented the things in a different light. I wonder what really happened and who was she?!
Cand eram copil, abia invatasem sa citesc, am descoperit la vecina mea un almanah .Si in acel almanah am dat de povestea contesei Elisabeta Bathory.. fictiune sau adevar? femeia care a intrat in istorie pentru cruzimea si crimele comise.. se spune ca a omorat sute de fecioare, pentru a se scalda in sangele lor, elixir al frumusetii eterne.Descria cum erau chinuite si omorate.Si fiecare cuvant mi se intiparea in memorie, fiecare imagine pe care o trezea in mintea mea, toate le pastrez si azi intacte.Ma fascina si ma ingrozea in acelasi timp.Iar azi, dupa atatia ani, am vazut un film facut dupa legenda (caci nu se stie unde incepe adevarul si unde fictiunea) , un film care prezinta lucrurile sub o alta lumina.. ma intreb, firesc, care e adevarul, ce s-a intamplat cu adevarat si cine a fost ea in realitate?
in ultima vreme linistea din sufletul meu a disparut.. si i-au luat locul numai intrebari.. pentru ca nu-l inteleg dar mai ales pentru ca nu ma inteleg pe mine.Astept, cuminte ,sa-mi treaca.. el e un pic prea mult pentru mine, in sensul ca e exact ceea ce nu-mi trebuie.E "tabu".. ma atrage ca un magnet,poate pentru ca nu-l pot avea, si tocmai din cauza distantei care s-a impus intre noi.Probabil ca daca ar incerca o apropiere l-as respinge, in mod natural si fara voie.Nici eu nu stiu ce vreau.. si totusi din prima clipa cand l-am vazut am stiut ca-l doresc.