Tuesday, July 21, 2009

chiar acum

Monday March 6, 2006 - 11:33pm
If I could embrace the mountains with my hands, if I could dress in the bark of  a tree, the leaves caressing my face, branches to grow from my finger nails and roots to deepen into the ground, a lake to grow around me and inside me, to lure the stars in it, at night, to catch them as a spider catches its preys. And in the autumn time, to fall of with each leaf that leaves, carried by the wind in a crazy dance over the hills, roads, lakes and woods. To rest tired on the shoulder of a statue, to look at the people that pass in a hurry, all the time different people, ..
I'd need nothing else ( Sepultura "Enforcamento")
de as putea cuprinde intr-o imbratishare muntii...de as putea sa ma imbrac cu coaja unui copac, frunzele sa-mi magaie chipul, crengi sa-mi creasca din unghii si radacini sa m-afund in pamant..un lac sa creasca in adancul meu, sa prind in el, sa ademenesc noaptea stelele...Sa le prind cum intr-o panza isi prinde paianjenul prada..Iar toamna sa ma desprind cu fiecare frunza, sa plutesc in aer dusa de vant , sa dansez un dans nebun peste campuri si drumuri ,lacuri si paduri..Sa ma asez ostenita pe umerii unei statui, sa privesc oamenii cum trec grabiti mereu altii...in nestire........nu mi-ar mai trebui nimic.(Sepultura- "Enforcamento")